Atlanta Prostitution Defense Attorney
Over 29 Years of Experience Representing People in Atlanta & Surrounding Areas
One of the most complex areas of Georgia law is sex crimes. While most people think of sex crimes as rape, sodomy, or pornography crimes, Georgia laws also apply serious charges for prostitution. While prostitution may be one of the oldest “professions” in the United States, it is also one of the most controversial and illegal.
Prostitution in Georgia
If you have been accused of a sex crime, it is vital to contact an Atlanta prostitution defense lawyer as soon as possible to develop a strong defense.
Contact Abt Law Firm, LLC today for a free case review at . No criminal record, no jail time!
Prostitution Offenses
Georgia law prohibits different acts related to prostitution, including, pandering, pimping, and maintaining a place of prostitution. These offenses may result in extensive fines, probation, prison time, and community service.
There are several offenses classified under the umbrella of prostitution, including the following:
- Prostitution
- Pandering
- Pimping
- Place of Prostitution
What is Prostitution?
This is defined as offering, performing, or agreeing to perform any sexual act in exchange for something of value. This may include money, drugs, property, or other services. Under Georgia law, the act does not need to be fulfilled for a prostitution charge to be made.
What is Pandering?
This is defined as soliciting one or more individuals for engaging in acts of prostitution. Pandering may occur on behalf of a third party or may involve a group of individuals brought together for prostitution.
It is also considered pandering when an individual persuades someone else to partake in acts of prostitution with the goal of splitting any income earned.
What is Pimping?
Pimping includes any behavior designed to encourage prostitution, such as scheduling a meeting between a prostitute and customer, demanding an individual to prostitute themselves, or benefiting from acts of prostitution. Often, pimps are third parties to prostitutes, and clients acting as a source of information and transportation.
What is a Place of Prostitution?
Under Georgia law, it is illegal to maintain a place of prostitution. This may include using a home, apartment, hotel room, or other property for prostitution. This crime is distinct from prostitution, although often accompanies prostitution charges.
Penalties for Prostitution
Georgia law is strict concerning prostitution. In recent years, Georgia lawmakers and enforcers have been working diligently to reduce the number of sex crimes in our state. Unfortunately, not all methods the government uses are effective. The American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia (ACLU) expressed concern about proposed laws and penalties because they are extreme measures.
One of the proposed laws includes banning individuals convicted of prostitution from certain areas of Atlanta or forcing them to leave the city altogether. The ACLU is concerned that citizens will be fearful of being arrested for walking or standing in the wrong area. Depending on the nature and circumstances of the charge, the penalties for a prostitution conviction can be life-altering. Consequences for sex crimes can impact a person’s freedom and future.
The most common penalties in Georgia include:
- Expensive fines up to $100,000
- Mandatory registration on the Sex Offender Registry
- Incarceration between 1 and 10 years
- Up to 1 year in prison
- Probation
Work with Our Experienced Atlanta Prostitution Defense Lawyer!
If you have been accused of a sex crime in Atlanta, Georgia, you likely have many questions about how to fight the charges and secure the best outcome possible. Sex crimes are taken very seriously in Georgia and are a complicated, sensitive area of the law. It is crucial that you seek the guidance of an experienced Atlanta prostitution defense attorney as soon as you have been charged. Our attorneys have over 29 years of experience helping people accused of sex crimes in Atlanta. We have handled over 2,500 cases and over 100 jury trials.
If you want to avoid being registered as a sex offender, contact Abt Law Firm, LLC right away at (678) 582-2272 for a free consultation!
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